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Monthly Archives: March 2010

Harvard is the #1 university and top medical school in America, according to a number of educational resources, economic analysis sites, and public opinion. However, Washington University in Saint Louis is the only med school ranking in the Top 5 for both Primary Care and Research. All in the Top 5 Medical Schools have experienced growing numbers of new jobs from 2008 -2010 that are continuing into 2nd QTR 2010.

Other top schools have much to over as well. Mayo Medical College as an astronomical faculty-to-student ratio when compared with others and is part of the Minnesota Group of health and medical research, public information, and best practices experts that brought the MMPI and the WWII Starvation Experiments, as well as daily guides to the best health Americans can achieve.

Top 10 American Medical Schools

Read the article at the link above for a list and links to 30+ outstanding medical colleges that will take us through healthcare reform in the 2010s with increased well being.

Who or That and Above All, Why?

Some students and other writers are perplexed about the rules that govern the English language and its grammar when it comes to using the words who, that, which and really, all the others.

Some people in an attempt to help dragged out old grammar rule books from the early 1800s. Another went off topic and chose a secretary’s handbook that stated that if a sentence contains 17 nouns in a series list, then the last one needs no comma.  Someone call Andy Rooney and the other news columnists that attack these problems.

The link above features a group of OWLS that tells  us that you just have to be on the same page with your teacher – or editor – or newspaper’s preferred style handbook.

Top 10 Hot Jobs in Searchlight, Nevada

People may laugh at Searchlight, Nevada; but it was once larger than Las Vegas during the Searchlight Gold and Silver Boom of the early 1900s.  The politically minded Tea Party-ers of March 2010 inadvertently caused another business boom when they flocked to town in protest of Senator Harry Reid’s (D-NV) Senatorial reelection bid for 2010.  Service related jobs are increasing with the growing tourist season post-Easter and will continue to do so; but IT jobs are a mainstay in job listings for Searchlight, with Healthcare jobs in Laughlin and Bullhead City.

Las Vegas is already spreading out into the desert and Laughlin NV and Bullhead City AR are connecting to each other with a new bridge via increased infrastructure development. This means Arizona business – especially tourism – will pour into Laughlin and Searchlight.

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day – Let the Flowers Bloom!

Shafallah Center in Qatar began the work that they hoped would one day lead to a global observance one day every year, of the need to spread information and knowledge about Autism Spectrum Disorders.  The United Nations took up the cause and sponsored the first day-long observance in 2009. April 2, 1010 is World Autism Awareness Day with an even larger event.   Through the determination of Shafallah, people of all ages are recieving help through the UN its partners, and each involved nation of the world.

Shafallah is the Arabic name for the showy flower of the Caper plants, small shrubs native to the Mediterranean area. Children are our flowers. Site contains beautiful children’s artwork.

It is our deep faith that God is compassionate and merciful, and mercy is what he bestows upon His subjects. He is generous and beautiful, and beauty is what he gives. That is how we should see the world, beautiful, with all its resources and contents, known to us or unknown.

Starving for K Rations

The people of Leningrad were held hostage by food shortages during the winter of 1941-1942 by the Nazi regime and their starvation techniques at the Russian Front. One reason that so many American and International veterans of WWII were infuriated in the early 1960s by the sitcom Hogan’s Heroes is that WWII was not funny in Germany and on the Russian Front – Leningrad’s people ate children and corpses in order to survive. It was not funny to those who survived.

American physicians worked on methods for saving the starving Lenigrad citizens, as well as tp help malnourished peoples in the rest of Nazi oppressed Europe. With the help of Concientious Objectors to the war, they did so. Three generations of my ancestors, incuding one related branch from part of Russia were a part of this horror and solution.  Important infomration about obesity and eating orders came out of the terror as well.

Splenda® is Not Splendid

It is critical that food and additive allergies be treated seriously. They can result in death and if not death, then for some, a list of excruciating symptoms. We’re not talking about the itchy skin that results from too much yellow food dye – we’re talking chest pains and migraine headache.

Just a few years ago, a list of 28 Symptoms of Splenda® Allergy was compiled. In 2010, the list has nearly doubled and has come to include some very dangerous signs. Access the link above to find out more about  allergic reactions to Splenda® and other artificial sweeteners, with some ideal suggestions for alternative sweeteners.

A Change of Taste

Famous Food Network cooking engineer (chef  is not near enough a word to contain his style) Alton Brown recently lost 50 pounds in 9 months (that’s fast) through menu and recipe changes. Since it is spring, now is the best time to change some of your own cooking habits along with the shelf paper in the kitchen drawers and cupboards.

Mealtimes do not need to be a a bowl of hectic headaches ballanced between other commitments.  A few imple changes in recipe ingredients and a reduction of eating vessels and utensils can be a godsend in eating peace and digestion ease. Add some music and a comfortable seat, and you have a bowl of joy.

How to Turn Around Mindless Cooking

An instructor of mine used the metaphor that sometimes our minds spiral around “out there” in space, frenzied by activity and commitments, and overwhelmed to distraction. They stop paying attention and tune out in fatigue. This might be the best definition of the concept of “mindless.”

Today, 21st Century people are harried by work and school or the even more demanding task of  job hunting, which adds a layer of worry to the activity that brings in no pay.  People become tired and cannot plan meals and grocery shopping trips as they’d like. A lack of money may make their grocery list choices for them.  Still, there is help to avoid the fast food dollar menu.

When you access the link above, you will find some entertaining, thoughtful, and funny films from the USDA and their personable director and his brither. They may one day be known as the comedy team of Wansink and Wansink, but in matters of health and nutrition, they know what they are teaching and teach it well.

Healthy Cooking in One Bowl with 8 Top Foods

One Bowl is a kind of food philosphy that I discovered accidentally, I tired of getting out severakl bowls, plates, glasses, and silver ware for meals that would taste just as good in a pasta bowl that I could pick up and hold during the meal.

It turns out that an entire style of eating surrounds the One Bowl way, encouraging the diner to relax and enjoy the combination of flavors, textures, and aromas of foods gathered in the bowl.  A favorite attractive bowl and some realxing music can complete a dinner venue that is not only pleasant, but an aid to digestion. 

Ever have shaved chocolote in a salad? An even healthier way to use One Bowl is to combine the Top 8 Foods for Health in a single meal, so change to One Bowl of good eating here: 


Despite the modernity of the 21st Century, mapmakers and explorers are still employed by the US Government, National Geographic, and a range of agencies that study polar regions and underwater worlds around the globe. Some are still working with archeologists and cultural anthroplogists to study the full extent of New Spain or the Spanish Empire in the New World.

Students are sometimes asked which State of the Union was home to the final stettement spot for New Spain before moving south of the border ro reamin in Mexico. The answer might be “none.”

New Spain – First and Last Settlements

New Spain was fighting in British Columbia, Canada, a good distasnce above the Alaska Territory to protect its forts and settlements, until 1819.

Instrestingly, New Spain land grants were honored by the US Government after New Spain/Mexico gave up BC, all the way up to the 20th Century. Related to this, the entire Territory of Arizona was held by the Baron of Arizona until approximately 1898 or 1900. Thsi could be the last settlement connected with New Spain as well. Read more about that at the link above, and access the link below for more on Mexican Independence fomr Spain and the help Mexico received from an Irish soldier, who was the real Zorro.

The I-Files: Zorro the Irish Fox


A world of film, a house of stuff.


Adventures in natural history collections

The Contemplative Mammoth

ice age ecology, early career academia, and diversity in STEM

TED Blog

The TED Blog shares news about TED Talks and TED Conferences.


This site is all about ideas

Globe Drifting

Global issues, travel, photography & fashion. Drifting across the globe; the world is my oyster, my oyster through a lens.

Fresno Health and Wellness

Are you struggling with Anxiety, Depression, Obesity, High Blood Pressure, or Type II diabetes?


Smile! You’re at the best site ever

DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy

Discovering Your Ancestors - One Gene at a Time

this nomad

adventures in life

The Devotion Cafe'

Be Encourage

A Rouge Point

I'm free to say whatever I like, if it's wrong or right it's alright

Weekly Photo Challenge

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The Art of Piano Performance

Music can reach that which language can't, it can perforate the armor that a wounded self builds very early to protect itself...the process is very mysterious and beyond language... News

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