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Tag Archives: One Bowl

Healthy Cooking in One Bowl with 8 Top Foods

One Bowl is a kind of food philosphy that I discovered accidentally, I tired of getting out severakl bowls, plates, glasses, and silver ware for meals that would taste just as good in a pasta bowl that I could pick up and hold during the meal.

It turns out that an entire style of eating surrounds the One Bowl way, encouraging the diner to relax and enjoy the combination of flavors, textures, and aromas of foods gathered in the bowl.  A favorite attractive bowl and some realxing music can complete a dinner venue that is not only pleasant, but an aid to digestion. 

Ever have shaved chocolote in a salad? An even healthier way to use One Bowl is to combine the Top 8 Foods for Health in a single meal, so change to One Bowl of good eating here: 



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