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Tag Archives: Vancouver

Canadian Resort Vacations

Canada is the land of great, beautiful waters, according to every nation of First Peoples and Native Americans of the North. Join them in spending time in British Columbia for a weekend getaway to Victoria or a week long ski trip to Whistler.  Cruises are a journey to another world and the Columbia Icefield Glacier is like being at the North Pole, but among friends and helpful tour professionals. Every inch of British Columbia you’ll see is likely to be beautiful. 

Vancouver operates many of the venues that were active during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, although the First Nations’ exhibits and businesses are slightly dispersed.  Sports venues for skating and skiing are as active as during the Games and the curling rink is now a major swimming recreation complex. Across the water by ferry is Vancouver Island and the City of Victoria. The City is full of attractions, from Parliament, to whale watching, to historic hotels and international cuisine.  The downtown mall is interested and fun. Book stores and First Nations shops are everywhere, and you can enjoy buskers performing on many streets.  BC lighthouses are very interesting as well. British Columbia is huge and varied, and you’ll find many things to remember.

Winter Olympics Vancouver 2010:

People are already looking ahead to the 2012 Summer Olymic Games and remembering those of 2010. They were certainly different as we loved them.

For a friend, one of the most moving moments of the Vancouver Winter Games was the son..


A competitive curler does not just pretend sweep a stone on the ice with a broom, though outsiders to the sport sometimes think it is frivolous and silly.

Competitive curlers must be in top physical and mental shape and play all positions on the team in each of 10 rounds (like bowling frames) in a match in Olympic and World rules.  Something like bowling and shuffleboard combined and put on an ice lane,  the game requires the “bowling stone” to be over 40 pounds in weight. How many bowlers use even a 16-pound bowling ball? Curlers must “roll” the stone twice in each round as well – in bowling, if a bowler rolls a strike, he does not need to lift the ball again in that frame.

The curler must be able to lunge deeply and slide at the same time and be able to handle a push-broom type of device in order to make the ice smooth enough for a stone to hit a target, but not so smooth as to let it pass the target altogether.  The broomers cannot touch the stone.Not easy.

Find out about Deaf Curling and Wheelchair Curling by US Veterans as well as regular Olympic Curling and its stars for 2010 at

 Curling: Shuffleboard On Ice.


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