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Tag Archives: blind athletes

One individual swimmer in the Paralympics won 51 medals, over twice as many as Michael Phelps in the Olympics, in just as difficult of events, and with one additional obstacle – she was blind!

The Paralympic Games of summer gather increasing numbers of athletes every four years and 2012 sees a full 4,200 individuals registered to participate. The numbers of enrollment for women is up this year as well.

As interest and participation grows, the world hopes that TV stations will want to broadcast the games outside their host nations, as with the Olympics Games that set viewer records in 2012. Some highlight recaps scheduled will appear on the NBC family of networks, but streaming video will be available on YouTube from August 29 – September 9.  This includes events as well as Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

US Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, wounded, injured, and now amputees use the Paralympics training as rehabilitation and their accomplishments are showcased in these sporting events.

via The London 2012 Paralympics and Some Paralympic Heroes You May Not Know


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