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Daily Archives: January 5th, 2013

Sunspots and solar storms were predicted to black out the 2012 London Olympic Games. The Olympiad was not affected by these phenomena, but the American Midwest certainly was affected by them instead – to the extreme! It was the hottest and longest period of summer power outages we’d had in decades. On the eve of 2013, more solar uprisings occurred.

A giant solar eruption exploded during New Year’s Week 2013 and scientists are anxious to photograph the aftermath and await weather changes possibly associated with the eruption. The Mayan Doomsday prediction proved untrue, but some negative aspects of solar activites may be damaging to our weather and communications on Earth in 2013 and the go-forward. What will happen next?

via Weather Changes to 2020 and 2013 Solar Explosions.


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Music can reach that which language can't, it can perforate the armor that a wounded self builds very early to protect itself...the process is very mysterious and beyond language... News

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